11A003 Anti-Business Bias by Jim Davies, 1/3/2011    

Accidents happen, and after the event it's often possible to identify some human error that caused them. Two years ago an aircraft was brought safely back to earth (or at any rate to the Hudson River) after hitting a flock of birds, in a much praised and very skillful piece of flying by Captain Sullenberger; but I've been unable to find any explanation of why he or his co-pilot flew into the flock in the first place. It was a clear day and the birds were in full view from the moment the plane left the La Guardia runway; was neither of them looking where he was going? What are the windows for?

Similarly the companies involved in the Gulf oil spill last Summer made one or more mistakes, but the media have been much less tolerant towards them, to BP especially, than they were to that aircrew. A double standard is at work, and it has to do with their vicious anti-business bias.

It's quite a puzzle, this double standard. Journalists work for companies owned by shareholders; they are part of a capitalist system, a business environment; yet they salivate over opportunities to bite the hand that feeds them, and editors go along or encourage it. They all buy gasoline, so know that that system brings them fuel at over 150,000 stations across the USA, at prices that are no higher now in real terms than they were in 1980 (click here to enlarge) and they almost never have to wait in line. Yet they pour hatred and scorn over the heads of such companies when accidents occur, as occasionally they must. Why?

More: one of their recurrent complaints is that big business "writes its own regulations" to favor its own interests - and in that they have germ of truth. What the media don't ask is why it should be regulated at all, since free-market competition would certainly keep companies honest far better than some slob of a government bureau-rat can ever do. On the one hand they never question the "necessity" for government, yet they bleat when businesses work with government to so regulate their industry as to protect them from more nimble competitors - to maintain a monopoly or cartel.

I don't know, but think the bias comes from the fictions drilled into their heads at school and college, always by socialists (who are seldom able to earn a living other than by working for the biggest monopoly of all - the government "education" industry.) We are very fortunate to be living at a time when an unregulated Internet is busy pulling the plug on the resulting media cartel, and when that education monopoly is teetering on the edge of extinction. A few more years, and both will be history.

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