10A094 Infamous Day by Jim Davies, 12/7/2010    

December 7th is still more significant than September 11th; the numbers killed on the first day are similar, but following the former 405,000 Americans in uniform died, while so far since the latter the body count is still under 10,000.

Japan's attack on the US Navy was a surprise to everyone except President Roosevelt and a very few of his most trusted aides, and so his must be the most successful conspiracy ever. Even now, 69 years later, kiddies are still taught that its infamy lay in Japan, whose government attacked without declaring war. FDR very nearly said so the following day to Congress, as can be seen in this draft of his speech; he wrote "without warning" but then crossed it out. It did seem that day that no warning or declaration had preceded the raid, but he knew history would later judge otherwise; he knew that his friend the Naval historian Samuel Morison had written five months earlier, of FDR's oil and metal blockade, "war was then inevitable." He must also have sensed that eventually, it would be found that he did have foreknowledge that a naval attack was imminent, because he had seen the intercepted Japanese embassy cables, and had been told of sightings of a large carrier fleet sailing towards Hawaii.

The conspiracy was not just to do nothing about those reports and cables, so leaving 2,400 US Navy men to die - without warning - but primarily to provoke the attack, so as to involve the US in WW-II. His prime interest was Europe, but for all the provocation he laid down in the Atlantic, Hitler did not respond; the German Navy was under strict orders not to fire on US ships except in self-defense. So instead, FDR provoked the Japanese by ordering, in July 1941, an embargo on exports of oil and scrap metal, which were essential for Japan's Asian wars. Then by the further brilliant trick of Rainbow Five, he triggered Germany's declaration of war on the USA a few days after Pearl.

The towering infamy of December 7th, therefore, is that the man most responsible for "protecting" Americans (in government theory) deliberately plotted to kill them.

Why did he do it? - he never said, for by doing so he'd have admitted his guilt. So we must make an informed guess. I wonder what is yours; mine is that he had two motives. First, he wanted to distract attention from his abject, 10-year failure to end the Depression, and second he wanted Europeans to destroy each other, so leaving the USA the only healthy "power" standing. He fully succeeded in both. Result: the 20th was the "American Century" and politicians of all colors laud Roosevelt as a demi-god, instead of the murderous megalomaniac he really was.

Such is government.

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